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Learning Commons: Alumni

Information about services and resources

Featured Database - ICL Open Access Resources

It's more than an index! 
Check out the Open Access Library and More Resources and Tweets at the Index to Chiropractic Literature.  

Life West Alumni Benefits

High Five 

according to Merriam-Webster is a gesture to show happiness about a victory or accomplishment. 
We honor you for becoming a chiropractor, contributing daily to a brighter future for humanity.

Life West Library encourages lifelong learning
by keeping fees for service low, and by offering selected free services to recent graduates.

Copy Requests for material found in Life West Library collections

Recent graduates:  10 free articles annually from journals available at Life West, during five years following graduation (diverse articles - requests cannot replace a subscription)

Search Assistance

All Life West alumni:  five free literature searches annually 

On Site Borrowing Privileges (Library Card)

Alumni who stay local:  Free for five years following graduation (excludes reserve materials)
Continue to use your Life West ID or inquire about other options.


Life West Library strives to keep fees low for every doctor.
See full descriptions of free and fee-based services at:

On Site Research Assistance

Research assistance and customized training are available.  

You can always drop in, but making an appointment ensures that a librarian will be available and aware of  your goals.   

Please phone the reference desk, or send an email request for an appointment.  In your message, please include:

  • several days and times that will work for you
  • your full name
  • preferred phone number

Not local?

Wherever you choose to practice, remember to try Open Access databases to identify journals articles.  Then you can order full text from Life West, using the information at Interlibrary Loan & Copy Requests as a guide. 

If you would like to do more extensive research, explore what your local public libraries can offer in databases and interlibrary loan service.  Also contact libraries at your local college, university and teaching hospital.  Public access rights vary.  While one library might be closed to visitors or require a password for online resources, another may have fewer restrictions.  Some academic libraries offer annual passes as well.  

Featured Tutorial

Learning Commons/Library
25001 Industrial Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94545
Circulation (Main Number)


Please Email Us

The staff acknowledges your request within 24 hours.

Circulation Department:

Interlibrary loan requests:

Reference Assistance, Off-Campus Access and Questions:


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  • Webpage content
  • New purchases 
  • Library services