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EndNote Guide: More settings

Some journals require the journal's name to be spelled out in full while others require a standardized abbreviation. Some disciplines may even have multiple versions of the standardized abbreviation, such as one with periods after abbreviated words and one without periods. EndNote can substitute one version of a journal’s name for another in the formatted bibliography without having to edit each record, to match the journal’s style.

You must set up a journals term list for your EndNote library to use this feature.

  • In EndNote, select Tools>Open Term Lists>Journals Term List. Resize the window so that you can see the columns as in the example below.  

As references are entered into EndNote, the contents of the Journal field are added to the Full Journal column in the term list while the contents of the Alternate Journal field are added to the Abbreviation 1 column. If there is only one version of the standardized abbreviation and the full journal, everything you need in this table will be filled in so long as each record entered in the EndNote library contains the full journal name in the Journal field and the standardized abbreviation in the Alternate Journal field. In reality, this is seldom the case. However, it is possible to manually enter the information in the term list or, better yet, to import a list of the full names and abbreviation(s) from a tab-delimited file.

EndNote ships with several predefined tab-delimited files containing full names and standardized abbreviations, including those for the humanities, chemistry, law, biosciences, and medicine. These lists can be imported into EndNote to create a working journals term list. To do this—

  • If you have not already done so, open the Journals term list (Tools>Open Term List>Journals Term List).
  • If there are journals already present, delete them by selecting all the journals present and click the Delete Term button. This will ensure that you have no “orphan” journals without complete information or with abbreviations in the Full Journal column.
  • Next, click the Lists tab and click Import List.
  • Locate and double-click on the tab-delimited file you wish to import. The predefined lists that ship with EndNote will be found in the Terms Lists folder within the EndNote folder (Windows: \\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X8\Terms Lists, and Mac: //Applications/EndNote X8/Terms on Macintosh). The complete list will be imported. (Note that the journal term lists (e.g., Medical) are simply tab-delimited files and updated ones may be available from's website. It is also possible to create your own custom term lists.)
  • Close the Term Lists dialog. EndNote will now be able to substitute the version of the name set in the style in the formatted bibliography.

EndNote comes with nearly 500 'Output Styles' such as APA 6th, JAMA, MLA, and others.   Life West has adopted the NLM style, which is already included in style list.  

In this example, the EndNote user selected NLM as the preferred style for the EndNote Library.

Pull-down menu where user can select NLM as preferred style.


If the style you need is not listed, it may be available from the listing of 6,000+ styles on EndNote’s website.

  • Note: The style you download will be affiliated with the version of EndNote installed on that particular machine. If you copy or move your EndNote library to another machine, this style will not move with you.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to, click Downloads, scroll to Output Styles and click Add output styles.
  2. You can enter the style name or a term to the style name, e.g., chemical. Once you find the style you want to use, click Download. EndNote will download a .ens file (check your Downloads folder).
  3. Next, you will need to move the .ens file into the EndNote Styles folder. The Styles folder is typically located in the Programs/EndNote X8 folder (Applications/EndNote X8 folder for Mac).
  4. To see the new output style, you may need to exit EndNote and re-launch the program. You should be able to select the new output style in both EndNote and CWYW in Word.

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