Citation Generators
Tools in Databases
Reference Management Software
TIP: Copy & Paste is useful for assignments. However, even a mildly prolific author will prefer to use reference management software. Anyone who collects journal articles, websites, and other sources to support their education and practice should invest in learning to use free or commercial software.
Even when NLM or Vancouver is an option, the citation may require editing, especially for online resources. Something is better than nothing in this case, because all the necessary elements of a complete citation will be included. Use NLM Examples tab as a guide.
Below are steps for formatting a plain text citation using tools from major research databases.
TIP: In the middle of PubMed's landing page, look under PubMed Tools to find Single Citation Matcher. If you have a paper in hand, you can quickly find out if it was indexed in PubMed. Keep input simple. You only enter enough unique elements to locate the article.
It contains only journal articles from chiropractic publishers.
Output sometimes varies from the standard, but all necessary elements are available.
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